Saturday, June 4, 2011

Getting the Bike out from Aus Customs in Perth

Well getting the bike out of the box in Aus was very easy. Everyone at the customs and quarantine place were very helpful and I was walked through the whole process from start to finish. The only guy that gave me a hard time was the fork truck driver at the warehouse who didn't want me to leave the box on site but after talking to the office staff they said to just put it in the bin out side. This still seemed to upset the fork truck driver as he was the one who would have to put it in the bin, he mentioned about paying $50.00 to dispose of the crate but again after checking with the office they said it was OK so I just ignored him and left him to deal with the crate. Funny as this is the first time any one has had a problem with me leaving it behind before but in most other countries the wood it was made of would have been in big demand.

First we take a $40.00 Taxi ride to here at 9am to have the Carnet stamped

Then a five minute walk to here to pay the $105.00 for Quarantine and inspection.

Another five minute walk to here were
 we spot the bike! But that costs us$247.16 for 

Documentation & Import terminal handling

Yes this is where we get to put Big Red back together again
No Kings horses or Kings men needed for this just us!!

After all the inspections Big Red is delivered to us 
again all safe and sound. 

Safety first nice orange waistcoats for both of us

Outside in the parking lot the quick reassembly
takes place, it all went so smoothly!

A short ride back to the city assisted by our newly
 programmed GPS with Aus maps.

The following day we have to get our road safety checks
No problem there!! After I pay $61.00

The run around starts when I have to prove that the
Bike is registered to me!! But once I get that sorted 

I pay $78.80 Liability only

As Canada's Registration for a vehicle is for the duration of ownership and the ownership and insurance paper is together, the insurance was showing as expired so they wouldnt give me any coverage, i must of waited in line for 2 hours to be told this.  Finally i had to get ICBC back home to fax me a letter telling them that indeed i was the owner of this bike.  Finally i decided to go to a different office with my new letter and after about an hour they gave me my insurance to make me legal.

1 comment :

  1. The amount of charges, surcharges and taxes in Australia is abhorrent. The ridiculous amount that we pay in taxes is just uncalled for, and just when you think you have it under control, guess what? another FEE/TAX/SURCHARGE !! It's never ending here...
