Saturday, December 18, 2010

On the boat and arriving in Egypt

Egypt - New Country, it costs quite a bit of money country hopping!

Tied down and ready to sail
Got the ferry from Aqaba in Jordan to Nuweiba in Egypt, fairly uneventful sailing as it was a beautiful sunny day and the trip only took 1 hour to cross, however, was a feasco to get the tickets.  We turned up at the ferry check in, which is about 10km from the town of Aqaba, and they tell you to be there 2 hours before the ship sails.  When we pulled up he said, " passports and tickets please", we said,  "we needed to buy tickets", he said, "not here, in town", great he couldnt even tell us where from.  It was Friday, which in Muslim countries, means everything is closed, their weekend is Friday Saturday, everything is open on Sundays. So we whipped back into town and after about 20 mins found a place to buy the tickets, which took another 30 mins, expensive, then to the ATM to grab more money, back to the ferry and park in the lineup, then Trev has to do all the paperwork to check out of the country, what a lot of work...just in time to set sail, stresssssful.
Off loading bags in Egypt
Bare in mind that you do not want to ever have to ship something to or from Egypt, they dont handle baggage quite like we do.  I stood and watched for two hours, while Trev was checking us in to Egypt, as they thru baggage out of the trailer onto the ground and everyone just grabs their own stuff, suit cases crashed to the ground, ouch!
Parked out side the traffic office for two hours

Bags waiting to be loaded in Jordan
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