While we were at the BMW Motorrad meet at the Hard rock we met David Chew the owner of Wunderlicg in KL. (www.wunderlich.de) For those of you that don't know the name, their company motto is "Complete your BMW" so it is just like Touratech were I could spend A LOT OF MONEY.Any way Ronnie had a broken Pannier and they said they could help so the next day we jumped on the bikes and headed over to their shop.
The Wunderlich Mini |
On arriving at the Shop the first thing we see is this beautifully restored 1971 Mini. Now this was done right I would love to have on in my garage it brought back memories of my reckless youth and the fun I had in my mini
For Sale at the Bargain Price of RM 36K
(thats $12000.00)
I should have kept mine |
So on to the bikes The first thing the guys at the shop did was plug the bikes into the BMW electronic wrench. This connects to the computer and reads all the error cods of the internal computer. Both bikes pass inspection no problems showing except the horn on Big Red shows a short, so again we pull the connection apart and fiddle for a while and it is again working ( just used it to much in India)
Big Red getting some Accessories |
One of the things Ronnie had on his bike was a front mud guard extension and it sure helped keep the road dirt of the engine block, also the bar bag he has was far superior to the one I had bought before leaving from Touratech. Mine was not waterproof and it hung between the bars like a limp rag making putting the Tank Bag on and off a real pain while Ronnie's was more rigid ( we are talking about his Bar Bag here). So both these parts were available here in Davids shop so when I saw them I just had to have them both.
The Big Fella needs work |
Meanwhile back to the Big Fella and after the long drawn out proceeder of removing the right hand side box from the frame unloading all the shitthat Ronnie packs around in it ( most of which he never uses) we find the broken catch that they got in for it is for the left hand bag and wont work. BUMMER. So it is put back together as it was with a big bungy cord and four tie wraps to secure it again.While all this was going on we had a most enjoyable lunch with David and his crew.
David has a nice collection of bikes |
Big Red gets a personal fitting of the fender extension and she is good to go.Just as we are loading up to leave the heavens open up and we have to ride back to the hotel in a VERY heavy down pour.
A fender extension to keep the dirt of the engine |
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