Kushinagar - The Resting Place of Lord Buddha
This was our last place to visit in India, we needed a place to head to so that we didn’t have to make the Nepal border in one shot as it would have been too long a day, plus it was part of the Buddha Trail.
Kushinagar is the resting place of Lord Buddha, its in the middle of no-where and once again unfortunately we had to do a detour for road works and ended up getting lost, this time it was getting late and we pulled over to check our gps and a bunch of kids playing cricket came to check out the bike, none of which were much help in finding our destination but then a guy rode up on another motorcycle and asked if we needed help, it turns out he was a Christian missionary called ”Josef” and he was going our way so he told us to follow him for 30km back the way we had come from, great, just what we needed more travelling on crappy roads we had already been on once, oh well. He pulled over just after his turnoff and told us to continue on another 20km and then turn right under the Buddha arch, you cant miss it, we shook hands and thanked him very much and off we went.
We found the arch and finally after 9 times of on and off the bike we found a place to stay for the night, "The Imperial" it was pricey but ok, the best part of it was the manager, his name was Lucky and he was very funny and a happy guy and made our stay worth while, I had a bunch of laughs with him while checking us in, checking into a hotel in India is a joke, they get out a huge registry book and you basically have to repeat the contents of your passport in it, anyway me and lucky decided that the only way to be in this world was happy cause its contagious and good for everyone!! We got in so late that it was dark and we were once again filthy and hungry so all we had time for was food and a shower and off to bed.
The next day we packed up and headed for Nepal but not before we stopped off at the main temple in Kushinagar where Lord Buddha is laid to rest, lots of monks and people meditating there on this cold and misty morning.
Goodbye India - Hello Nepal!

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