When we dare to see things differently, life opens up our eyes. When i get scared, its at such moments that I discover a wisdom that is beyond me and I go forward.
What is a sin - it is a sin to prevent love from showing itself, we are entering into a new world in which we can choose to follow our own steps, not those that society forces us to step. So I say to my new friend, go out into the world with new eyes, take a deep breath and jump into the unknown to rediscover the great guy you are. There is enough light from the full moon even if its obscured by clouds, train your eyes, they were made to see more than you think, in order to liberate our strength, our weakness must first have a chance to reveal itself. Remember it is not as important that love be recipricated but it is more important that we loved!
So,I say to you one day our eyes will open, the different forms of love will be made manifest, and then suffering will disappear from the face of the Earth. It wont be long now, I think. Many of us are returning from a long journey during which we were forced to search for things that were of no interest to us. Now we realise that they were false. But this return cannot be made without pain, because we have been away for a long time and feel that we are strangers in our own land. It will take some time to find the friends who also left, and the places where are roots and our treasures lie, but this will happen and you have surely found some of those lost friends in us!
When we are naked, when we die to the world and are reborn to ourselves, this is our most important journey and the one I believe the 3 of us are on, this is what I believe bikers have in common, the desire to be true to ourselves no matter what! God bless them.
``There is only one difference between the teacher and disciple`: the former is slightly less afraid than the latter. The true teacher gives the disciple the courage to throw his or her world off balance, even though the disciple is afraid of things already encountered and even more afraid still of what might be around the next corner`` but this is life and what makes us feel so alive, arnt we the lucky ones!
We will see you again for sure, as I watched you ride off into the distance I said to Trevor, Im sad that he is on his own but I also know that our paths are mapped out for us and when on our journeys it requires us to do this alone, see you on the road Ronnie and remember what I said, one day you will see this as a gift! PS Thanks for my new neckies, the orange one looks particularly good on me!
As my dad always used to say to me - Vios con dios
As my dad always used to say to me - Vios con dios
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