Sunday, September 26, 2010

Marrakech and the night markets

Marrakech is said to be the most exotic city in North Africa. This is an exciting and very busy city with a hypnotic charm.
Its often called the lifeblood of Morocco.

The Djemaa el Fna, this is the heart of the city, at night this square is transformed into a magical place with a myriad of foodstalls, full of exotic sights, sounds and smells. Hypnotic Moroccan music and dancing, snake charmers
fortune tellers, acrobats and colourfully clothed water sellers.

This is one of Moroccos best sites to see and is an unforgettable nightly spectacle - all for free. It starts as soon as it gets dark and goes on till the wee hours of the am, everyday as far as i know.

We sat in one of the cafes terrases to look down on the amazing events.

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