Sunday, September 26, 2010

More from the Night Market

So to add a few photos is very hard to do there are so many interesting things going on and so many things to take. Most people here as soon as you point the camera in their direction expect to get payed so one must have a pocket full of small change, anyway it is always a challenge and I hate to be to intrusive but here are a few more photos.
Anybody fancy a sheep's head for supper and that is with or without the brains.
The nuts where about the only thing I really fancied trying.

Over all the market is a sight to see and from
our vantage point above it all it was fun to
just sit and take it all in over a can of
Schweppes tonic ( no beer here)

And of course there is always the tea What flavor would you like and how many pound do you want now lets bargain for that shall we start at 100,000 DH
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