Sunday, August 15, 2010

Visiting the old Village A trip down memory lane

Tony drove us all around to our old stomping grounds where Trev and I grew up, our olds homes, schools and neighbourhoods and the local pub where we had our wedding reception too. We also went for a drink to one of the places that I use to work as a bar maid when I was 16 yrs old, the Millhouse Restaurant, its changed hands a ton of times but its still a very high end pretty restaurant, I told the staff I used to work there 30 years ago (ug) and they humoured me and let me have a look around the place and take some pics.

We also stopped by The Plough, the pub our parents use to hang out at every night of the week back then and of course us occasionally, i actually worked there too when I was 15. The original part is still there, even the toilets where I spent many a night puking when Trevor used to give me “leg overs” this is a drink with cherry B and cider in it, not what you were thinking!!! my innocence then, little did i know! They have added a whole new extension to the pub but its not doing very well, we spoke with the Owner and do you know in England that you cant play the radio or your own cd’s in a public place ie pub or store, without paying a fee so lots of people don’t have music playing its weird, so now theres no lights because electricity is too expensive and now no music either, no wonder no one is spending any money, its not fun anymore.

Even stopped by the local graveyard, I know weird, but it had lots of people Trevor knew from growing up there, so was quite a journey back in time for him, including his moms cleaning lady, Marion Craggs, and the Spence family, four brothers and one sister who lived across the road from him, reminds us how precious time is.

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