Sunday, August 15, 2010


Jolly Old England

Visiting England had a lot to do with visiting our families, I have an uncle still living there, my moms sisters husband, who is now living in a nursing home in Wigan, my aunt passed away last year so hes on his own now! I had made contact with him a couple of years ago and wanted to drop by and make sure he knew he had a neglectfull niece in Canada still and a bunch more to boot!! I hadn’t been in contact with him since I left England in 1981!

The day we visited it happened to be his 88th birthday, what were the odds of that happening, fortunately i had contacted the home the day before and they told me so we stayed and had tea and cake with him and I took him a b-day card and a framed picture of Trevor and I on our bike and told him all about our trip. It was funny because when i arrived i saw him sitting in the room and I went over to him, and he is deaf, so i stupidly said who i was and he shouted back at me “i cant here you”. I wrote who i was on a piece of paper and he said, “i knew i had some nieces somewhere still”, how bad did i feel. Anyway we had a lovely visit and he didn’t seem mad at me for forgetting about him all these years, he seemed happy there and is being well taken care of so I was glad I went.

Onto visit with Trevors uncle Tony in Grimsby, his moms brother, who he has always felt a strong connection too and is one of the reasons Trevor has always wanted to travel so much, we had great fun with him and his family they are all so fun and high energy!

Tony took all of us out for dinner and I got some pics of the family, the two Chentals, me and Lindas daughter who is called chental too, (wrong spelling) and Mitchell, Lindas son and a picture with me and Linda too. It was a fun night, Tony loves to party, we had some great late night chats accompanied by some fine tasting whiskeys. It was hard to say goodbye once again, the goodbyes are the hardest part of being on this great adventure for sure. Thanks again Tony for putting us up for a few days we had a great time.

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