Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Saying goodbye to my baby

Well July 5th came and we deliver the bike to the international shippers for Air Transat. This process was just to easy I had been told that I had to stay with the bike untill it had been xrayed, I was told I had to make sure there was less than a gallon of gas in it and I was also supposed to disconect the battery. Well I droped it of and they just said thanks we will look after it from here. Apperently they are moveing up to two bikes a week and alot are going to Port O Prince in Haiti,I dont know why but ?? Well it also turns out I could have left all the gear on it too but that was left at the hotel so know we will have to carry it, I did however get to leave all the camping stuff on it so that was a great help. I guess we will have to wait and see, This could bring a whole new meaning to loseing your baggage lets hope it is in Ireland when we get there!!

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