In Thailand there are many shows of respect for the
King and Queen they must be well liked. |
We left Koh Lanta and headed over to the east side of Thailand to Songhla, we and Ronnie hopped on the bike and set off, Phil jumped on the bus and joined us a few hours later. We met up with him in a strange dead end spot of this town, it turned out to be a bit of a hole in the wall, not really a tourist area. Lots of locals but really not much fun, we decided to find a hotel and spend one night here and head back across to the west side and onto Malaysia. Poor Philip had spent the day on a couple of different buses, entered into a town where no one spoke english, arrived in this town in the pouring rain only to find that we didnt want to stay there, this was the first experience of Phils trip that didnt work out as planned, but he took it in his stride and later that evening we had some good laughs in the hotel cause that was a bit of a shithole too, we have learn to laugh at these situations, fortunately.
Another self portrait while riding |
Blasting over the bridge into Songhla |
Even the scenery on our way to Songhla wasnt that great so i would say dont waste the time to go there, there are so many better places to see.
Yes Ronnie it is VERY HOT today |
Some local Hells Angels |
We found this electrical shop and discussed whether
they would be able to fix the horn on Big Red |
More Hells Angels visiting from the USA I think?? |
We went to the local food market again
These are horse shoe crabs but I didn't fancy them |
Beach games just like at home |
This has to be one of the narrowest
houses I have seen |
After one night in the town we check out
and head to Malaysia |
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