Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Knee (not for the squeamish)

About two weeks ago while we were in Luang Probang we had been out wondering the streets after dark (something we seem to do a lot) Chenty suggested we go down this VERY dark street back to the river. Well after much protest from me as it was SO DARK we couldn't see two paces in front of us I relented and we set off down to the river. NOW I think I was pushed!! but Chenty says she had nothing to do with it. Any way I went ass over tea kettle in a pot hole in the road and ended up in a pile on the road. Managing to save my camera first as I know I will heal eventualy my knee took the brunt of the fall. After the recovery and an emergency dressing with something that I think had wings!! we returned to the hotel to wash and clean the wound then dressed it with some ointment and a large plaster for the next few days.
Things were looking OK but riding with the gear on really aggravated it and with  the heat inside my riding pants it never got a chance to dry and heal.  
The knee starts to be a pain
So two weeks later it was looking bad and it got infected so I started taking some antibiotics that we had with us but they didn't seem to be making to much impact on it. I emailed my doc back in good old Canada and got an immediate response with the name of the drug to take which to my surprise was available over the counter at most drug stores in Thailand.

Preparing to operate to remove the lump
Now taking the right antibiotics it was time to get the swelling reduced and my mate Ronnie had just the thing to deal with that, Its called the vacuum method by way of a very hot and sterilized Bacardi Rum spritzer bottle which I have to say Chenty drank before performing the operation!!

The bottle treatment is a new one
The bottle is placed in BOILING hot water for a few minutes then placed over the infected area, I recommend the use of a very good pair of leather riding gloves for this,  as the air in the bottle cools it forms  a vacuum in the bottle and SUCKS the mess out of the wound.
Brilliant I say, so next time your mate gets a snake bite on his ass you know what to do and he doesn't have to die!!!

The resulting lump is void of all PUSS
The results of the bottle sucking method showing the small Hickey on my knee but void of all the bad stuff..
After four bottle sucking treatments and a full coarse of the correct antibiotics I can report the leg if feeling a lot better 
But I still think I was pushed!!!

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