Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Leaving Pai and The 762 curves back to the main road

We spent three nights in Pai and it was great to just relax with no itinerary. When we first arrived I wondered what we would find to keep us busy there but by the second day I was just happy doing nothing. I even found time to wash the bike.

The Witching Well Cafe
There were lots of places to eat and the food was great The "Witching well" became a place we dropped into to have a great coffee and desert before going to bed, Its a good job we only stayed three nights in Pai as I could see it becoming a bad habit.

This is a road that I shall not forget
I can see the curves on the GPS before I get there
After three nights it was time again to load up and head to Laos. The road back down to the main highway was every bikers dream and I had been looking forward to it since we had arrived. What I had not realized was just how many corners there were when we rode in.
Every Bikers Dream Road
After riding in India and Nepal I was very pleased to find  the road surfaces in Thailand to be in excellent shape.

Not a straight stretch in 100 km
While in Pai we had taken the time to do a reset on our Scalla G4 wireless intercom that we had bought in Tel Aviv  as it had been playing up quite a bit, we had also got it figured out on how to play music so on the ride back down it was Peter Gabriel, Pink Floyd, Super tramp and Dire Straights What a mix and the weather was perfect to.   So great to get some wear out of the side of the tires again!!

Yes I love it and Chenty never told me to slow down

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