Friday, February 18, 2011

Bhadkoli Village Government Primery School

Mahesh with some of his 42 students
This is Mahesh, he is the teacher at this little village school of only 42 kids, aged from 6-14 years old.  The government provides the building and one free meal a day at lunchtime and two teachers, one teaches the children English and Hindi and the other teaches them Math and Socials.  There isnt a desk or chairs in sight and no paper to be seen, there is a blackboard and a very nicely painted classroom with the times tables and pictures and letters for the english language, very impressive.
It was amazing to see these kids so happy they
would  never dream of missing a day in class
Half the children dont have any shoes and none of them have any uniforms which you see in the private schools, they are really cute but pretty scruffy and very happy to show us around their school and village.
Chenty with some of the kids
Most have no shoes

Inside the class the shortage of paper gives rise to some
 brightly painted walls but there are no desks
 or chairs to be seen

What a cute little" rag a muffin"
We are going to use this little village school as our first project in "The Luck Foundation" sending them some pencils, erasors, stickers and a few lesson books complete with some flip flops I hope, we are really excited about this.  Mahesh said that these little village schools seldom see any help because they are so far off the beaten track no-one with regards to the "foreigners" sees them.  We were really lucky that we stayed at his resort and got to meet him and his kids, he is a great guy with a big heart and we are only to happy to help out as best we can, who knows perhaps this is a start of a chain reaction for these little schools.
Good Mates
Its funny because you wonder how can you teach a group with such an age difference? and we didnt notice any ADHD or anything else for that matter, it makes me wonder if Indian village schools even have or know about such things, probably just as well that they dont.

I have a thought for Jess to make these kids all the same t-shirts that say something like:

One Heart  -  One World

Our children are our future - with love and compassion

Together we can make a difference 

Then for the graphic have a world with a heart in the middle!!!!!

That could be these kids uniform, i feel like it would be just nice for them to now as they grow up that they are connected to the whole world even though they are from a tiny village in India.

Check out the video we took on the kids at this school, under "recent posts" on our blog click Utube posts..

Also check out "The Luck Foundation" website at in memory of my parents!

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