Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ad-Deir (Monastery)

You cant appreciate the scale of this until you stand in front of it

You continue on up stairs to more tombs, around the amphitheatre thru the ancient streets imagining how they must of once been.  Then there is the climb to “Ad-Deir”  The Monastery, a flight of 800 stairs cut into the rock takes you up the mountain of Ad-Deir.  When you reach the top you will encounter Petras second most famous attraction, its huge yet beautifully awesome, you just stare at it in awe as you round the corner.  I think this is the most impressive site in Petra, Im not sure if its because of its size or because we had to climb for 3 hours up 800 stairs to get to it?

This used to be an important pilgrimage site, the way up the mountain serving as the processional route and the open area in front of the monument as the gathering place.

Where did they put the stone chippings

We walked up and down but I would highly recommend the $10 donkey ride up and then walk down.

We climbed over 800 steps carved out of the stone to see this

You could sit here and stair all day it was truly breath taking
The view up here was amazing and fortunately we had a great day for the climb, if you get to Petra you simply must do the Monastery Climb!
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