Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Medina of Fes

The Medina in Fes.

To walk the streets of the Medina is to travel back to medieval times, for many years it has been the center for religious learning and has the worlds oldest university, where they mainly study Mathematics, the Koran and languages. . For us to be immersed in this city was so strange to what we are use to back home but after a while we began to feel the heart beat of the city and we started to see how the entire maze of this mysterious place existed and thrived on its own existence.

It was a wonderful experience, our guide was a must as we would have never found our way around in the labyrinth of streets with no names, apparently there are 96 streets within a very small area and no map to guide us.

Its funny because you see children running around playing, so little and they of course find their way!

This is the oldest city in Morocco and was once the capital but now Rabat is, the Medena in Fes, the old town, is a UNESCO world heritage site and they are trying to keep it standing but i fear that if they were to ever have a tremmer of an earthquake here it would all come crumbling down as it really is in a state of disrepair. So many families live within this small area, our guide told us that when it rained a while back over 70 people died because the rain just crumbles the houses to mud.

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