Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Tile Work of Fes

The Medersas (Mosques) of Fes have some of the most beautiful tile work I have seen. The distinctive patterns are all hand made without the use of electrical tools, the clay used here is a grey clay brought in from the hills and once worked and fired it is extremely hard and scratch resistant. The patterns are assembled face down on a jig so a good memory of the colors and location is essential. The men here work six to eight hours a day moulding the clay,carefully cutting the pieces needed to make the patterns and running the kilns which are fired with a wood they call cedar (nothing like our cedar) and olive pips which give the heat required to fire the clay.

It was a place that we could have spent money buying things for the
house and shipping it home but we managed to restrain our self's and
only take pictures.

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