Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The City of Seville

This is a picture of the hotel that Danni and Dean stayed at when they were here in Seville a few years ago and recommended it to us but it was full, it was in a great part of town and we found another nearby so we were glad to have the recommendation.

We found out that a few blocks from our hotel was a Hamman, an arab bathhouse c/w massage so off we went. Right in the heart of the Santa Cruz quarter, on top of an ancient Roman ruins sits this bathhouse.

"During the XVI century, a Viceroy from the Indies built a palace which today is known as the "Aire de Sevilla". It is a haven that maintains the legacy of our ancestors who made public baths a treat for all the senses."

It was very cool, 3 diff temp pools, one ice cold! 30min massage, sauna, jacuzzi and a theraputic salt pool we spent 2 hours there it was great for a travelling body and all for $50 euro each. And no wendy we didnt get any "paper panties" as we wore swimsuits but we were given covers for our shoes before we got to the changerooms. Highly recommend it.

Below is our hotel we stayed at $80euro per night, very nice.

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