to maintain this road would be a full time job and this country of
Morocco I didn't feel has either the budget or the resources.
Passing overloaded trucks on tight hairpin corners with the crash barriers bent over the side, the large colourfully painted trucks spewing black diesel fumes and seeing the road washing away over the edge
was not something that gave a high feeling of comfort but the rain didn't last
and buy the time we descended the other side the sun was out again and we took time to take a few pictures.
On our way into the mountains when we stopped to put in our rain liners
and have a snack we happened to stop by a small mud and block
building and after removing our helmets I heard voices coming from inside
well after a couple of minutes we where greeted by a man about five feet tall holding a grubby silver tea pot and an also grubby glass. First he greeted us in French to which I struggled to reply so then he spoke eloquently in English offering us some of is sweet mint tea, well I don't like tea at the best of times but it would have been to rude to refuse so after offering him a piece of cheese we had taken from our home stay that morning we sipped sweet mint tea and smiled a lot at each other. This adventure we are on is a wonderful journey of discovery and we are both loving every minute of it.
these post's are great dad. I am so proud of you and only hope that one day i get to see many of these things that you have now seen. So jelouse... sending you love... Can't wait to come and meet you some place!