Tuesday, August 17, 2010

So we got to the TOP

Well after trying to get tickets on line to shorten our wait time we thought we might just have to give up the idea of going to the top. We went to the tower twice and each time the line was soooo long we just couldn't come to terms with standing there that long. So we decided to try and get a reservation for the restaurant but were told that is was full for the next two days so just about to give up and the young girl said, " but I do have some tickets for the lift if you would like them, You can go up right now if you like". Looking back at that line and all those people that had been standing there for at least two hours we could not belive our luck. So without hesitation we snapped them up and went straight to the front telling the attendent we had a reservation for 7.30 and up we went.
Happy as a clams and smug too.
When we reached the restaurant we just stayed in the lift and went to the 2nd floor. Wow did we luck out!
So after spending 20 mins taking in the fantastic view I decided that we should summit the tower . It was with that suggestion that I got some resistance from Chenty (she has a problem with altitude) but with a bit of coaxing and me saying I didnt want to go up without her the tickets where purchased and up we went.

To be at the top of the Eiffel tower and watch the sun go down will be a memory that will last in my mind forever. It was a beautiful evening and the city was lit by this most wonderful light, something that I could not capture with my camera. You can even buy a glass of champagne at the top but never the less that did not fit the budget so upon our return to reality we stood for a while just in awe of this wonderful building. We wondered how much this monument must take in in a day?

Paris is just one of those citys that you just have to visit, we spent four nights there and when we left there was still so much more to see. But not really being city people we felt we had given it our best shot and seen what we thought were the highlights for us both.
So just one more thing to do for me. I said I wanted to ride down the Champs de lessy round the Arch De Triumph then park the bike under the Eiffel tower for a picture. Well after being told that I must be nuts by so many people, that the French drivers were some of the worst in the world and reading that there is no insurance company that will cover an accident that happens in the busiest round about in the world, I just had to do it!!
With the GPS programmed and the bags packed we set off to leave in the rain.
It was not that bad actually at least we were riding back on the right side of the road not like in Jolly Old England, well I did it with the help of the eyes in the back of my head (Chenty) and I picked just before lunch when I thought most Parisians are sitting have drinks. It was fun I got in the wrong lane leaving the roundabout and luckly that lane was empty, we parked by the Eiffel tower and got someone to snap a photo then set off for our next destination. Chenty got the whole thing on video camera so it should be fun to see how it looked from where she was sitting!

God I just love this life and every day there is something new to see.
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1 comment :

  1. Fabulous, so glad you guys are having fun, it makes me want to find the nearest storage locker.............. Loving your photo's, isn't blogging the BEST. Now you can share your trip and savor the memories forever. Take care, love
