Sunday, August 29, 2010

Cohors France

Visiting old friends in Cohors-

Henry and Jennifer are friends of the family from the days when we lived in England, they sold their farm and moved to France 7 years ago, we had a fun time exploring the area of Cohors from the quaint little town surrounded by water, complete with a great market, to the Vineyards and the Cahors Cathedral.

Have fun planning your South Africa trip in November and come see us in Canada in a years time when we get back!!

Thanks again!

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1 comment :

  1. neat to see Cahors...... ahh the memories..... Jill did a painting of that bridge ..... this was on our pilgrimage trail and where Jill injured her knee trying to walk 35 km in one day.... here is a link to her painting. Have fun Duart
