Monday, July 5, 2010

Quebec City

Well a day in the rain on holiday is still better than a sunny day at work!

We have ridden all day today up the Fjord to Saguenay and back down the other side to Pointe-au-Pic, its supposed to be a #1 thing to do in the area for a motorcycle ride and it probably would be except not in the rain, we didn’t see much as we were trying to dodge the raindrops. We found a nice little B&B for $69.00 inc breaky and on our dripping wet arrival they brought us up an espresso and lit the wood fire for us before dinner, gosh its like going to my moms house to stay! I’ve finally got Trev into these B&Bs. This weather sucks though, everyone in the area says its unusual for this time of year too. Oh well its still better than being at work!

This French speaking is kinda fun, because I can order our meals in French everyone thinks I can speak it and with a name like mine you would think I should be able to, the look on my face when they come back at me in French - I haven’t got a clue what they’re saying, they just assume, I guess cause I must have the accent down pat that I speak the language, shame on me, I wish I could, I’m still enjoying trying.

Onto Quebec City, we both love this city, its very friendly, clean and it stopped raining for a while. We stayed in a boutique hotel downtown in the old town one block off the St. Lawrence, they made a mistake checking us in so we got a room for $95/night when it should have been $150.00 bonus. Still it wasn’t that great a place but it did us for two nights, very close to everything. There is a section in Quebec city called Petite Champlain, it is so cute, lots of cobblestone streets, shops, restaurants, galleries etc. we spent a lot of time in this area, very fun. We managed to see two free shows, Cirque De Soleil, they performed under the highway one night, they were fantastic, very cool Trev got some great pictures and then there was a projection done on the concrete grain bins about the history of Quebec, I know it sounds weird but it was very good too, they projected the film onto these white concrete bins and set it to music.

Our feet are killing us, lots of walking and lots to see we definitely recommend it. We took a tour around the parliament buildings and our tour guide was from Quebec however the tour was in English and she had an Australian accent because that’s where she learnt to speak English, that was very funny and interesting too, we chatted with another young guy there about politics and separatism etc. so he filled us in on what the problem is and why they want it, however, he doesn’t think the vote next time will be as close as before.


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