Monday, July 5, 2010

Le Moulin a images

The organizers of Quebec’s 400th anniversary celebrations knew they wanted to do something “big” in honour of such a milestone — and deservedly so. They didn’t know what, where, or even when, but they did know who and why. With grandeur in mind and a blank canvas, the group approached Quebec-based artist Robert Lepage and his company Ex Machina to create something special that would bring the city together and celebrate its rich culture and history.

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Years of planning, a historical building, 27 projectors, 40,000,000 pixels, 25 km of optic fibre, 100 moving heads, and 300 loudspeakers later, le Moulin à images (The Image Mill) came to fruition and $8million later. The Image Mill ran over the course of the summer, drawing thousands of spectators a night to partake in the multimedia experience. For even more photos of this amazing show and more see on our sidebar where it says "more photos from our adventures" and double click to see the selection.

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