Monday, June 28, 2010


Well after a ride up the Atlantic coast we find ourselves on the Gaspe Peninsula, we are now in Quebec. This is a ride that I read about in a book Chenty got me for Christmas "Planet Earths Best Motorcycle Adventures"and it was not a disappointment. Riding along the side of the Gulf of St Lawrence was spectacular. The first place we stopped was in Perce. The coast line was rugged and the evidence of BIG winter storms was all around, to live here through the winter months must be a real test, The trees here are a lot smaller than we see on our coast and they do not crowd the shore line. Small homes in small towns dot the edge of the Peninsula and every small home has a very large well arranged wood pile somewhere in the yard. The weather for this time of the year has not been typical, it has rained a lot and been very windy but as we have rode through it the beauty is still there. This province of Quebec is a gem, the people are again so friendly, Yes they speak a different language but we should be so proud to be such a diversified country, The food, and the accommodations are wonderfull It really is like being in a different country. The french influence is all around and I so wish I had spent more time in school learning the language. Well we will just have to get on it because before long we will be in France, Wow that is something that I still have trouble getting my mind around. From Perce we head North to visit Canadas tallest lighthouse in Madeleine at 34 meters high and built of stone brought from Ireland then we head west to visit yet another lighthouse the only one on the east coast built of wood. Light houses are things I have always been intrested in I think it must be the sailor in me but even as a kid I loved them and visited many in England

From there we are in Matane where we spend the night in a cheap motel but find ourselves in the most exquisite Italian restaurant watching the sun set over the St Lawrence eating some of the best pasta I have ever had (Yes I said that) well we booked on the ferry for 11 am the next day and were the last reservation they took. After crossing the St Lawrence 2 hrs and 30 mins in the sunshine we rode to Tadoussac another small town with a strong French influence where we spent our 29th Wedding anniversary and what a glorious place to be. The B & B was again a wonderful experience and the dinning very elegant. To heck with the budget tonight some things just have to be done right.
Posted by PicasaWe wake to rain but like hard ass bikers we are becoming we load up and ride out. This time I put all the gear on and we stay dry after riding for about 3 hrs the cold is getting to us so we again find a nice B&B with a restaurant After drying off we settle into yet again another Gourmet meal.

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