Monday, June 14, 2010

Ottawa our capital city

After moving everyday we decided to take a break in our capital city. We booked a place on hot wire that turned out to be a great deal at $65.00 per night right down town so we parked the bike and went walk about. And walk we did!! Thanks to Pat and Mike for their recommendations We went to the Museum of Civilization and spent a few hours there then round to the Parliament Buildings, (they were closed to the public because of water problems I told them I didn't want to go to the bathroom but they still wouldn't let us in) then off to the Byward Market to people watch and have some great food and drink in the Irish Pubs and of course we couldn't go to Ottawa with out trying the famous Canadian Beaver Tail!!. We also got in a Canal cruise on the Rideau Canal which is also the largest maintained out door skating ring in the winter now that is something I might have to come back for, they even have a Zamboni to maintain it. We had a great time it was nice to just rest for a day but now back on the bike we have places to go!!

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