Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Inspired and Inspirational!

I must say that I have always wanted to inspire people, its my passion. However i did'nt realize that this trip was going to be part of this, i thought this trip was going to be a stopping of what i have been doing in order to find what i still have inside of me that is crying to be heard and felt, what i still have left to give.

I love this new song that a very good friend of mine has recently put me onto:

Its by "One Eskimo" called the "Chosen One" I hope it inspires you too.

You might not be the chosen one, still you wait for your time to come
but your faith has taken a tumble and your pride is shaken and humbled now
you must know nothings set in stone, you must know that your not alone,

you try not to ever hate, but cant help but overcompensate
theres a smile says every things rosey, maybe 10% that its mostly hell
you must know nothing set in stone, you must know that your not alone!

You dream of another world, where the guy always gets a girl
but your life is not like the movies, you can shoot your way to hero should we
some time for the underdog, we should take some time for the underdog

The calm ones will get it done and its the brave that will overcome
should you listen to your voices, when they lie and give you no more choices
afraid what your gonna do, in this phase that your going thru.

Download this song its great! Thanks to One Eskimo for writing it..

Thanks to Ruth for introducing me to this song, Ive never doubted that my time would come, Ive just been waiting for it, maybe its come? Thats the rose colored glasses that I was born with, i guess. I hope to inspire all of you, your time is coming, watch for the signs and jump, its only fear that keeps us back, and after all, fear is not real!!

We have met some great people so far that have either inspired us or we have inspired - this is so fun.

To the toilet paper salesmen who was searching for an angel, i hope you find her, but thanks for leaving me with the message that "respect" comes before love, as we all have such a different view on what it means to love someone, but respect is respect.

To Jean in the sleepy plaines of Montana, you inspired me with your stories of travels to Egypt and Australia, thanks.

To Scott from the pub in North Bay, I hope we have inspired you to buy that Harley and take those much needed 8 weeks holiday, life is too short man, just do it, we did.

To the young girl at "The Dish" we loved the lunch and concept of your restaurant, glad you came to Salt Spring our home town and was inspired by our conscious effort to reach for the best, its the young who will lead the world so keep believing and doing what your doing.

To Don. Kim and Sam, thanks so much for opening up your home to us and sharing your stories, you were doing this long before us and Im sure you'll be doing it again soon and come visit us on Salt Spring when we get home in a years time.

Mostly i hope to inspire our two children, Phil and Jess, they are the best!!
love you guys

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