Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bar Harbour, Maine, USA

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didnt do than by the ones you did do... Sail away from safe harbour...Explore." Mark Twain

I have always wanted to see the East Coast and it didnt disappoint me, we loved Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park, its like an over sized Salt Spring Island. The weather has warmed up and the riding fun, Trev is happy that there are now some twists in the road as its been straight roads up to now, he has a flat spot in the center of his tire and for a biker thats no fun!

Bar Harbor is home to two large laboratories and major employers for this area. The Jackson Lab its huge and it dose major research for genetic diseases, runs tours, ships mice all over the world and the public can even attend the lectures, that would be cool if we were going to be here, its amazing to see such a large place on such a small island. Hinkley Yachts boat yard is here also so we went to see it but all we saw were lots of their cruisers instead as they are not making sail boats anymore, only if you custom order one.

I love the architecture here as i imagined i would, the flowers and gardens are very pretty too, lots of wild purple lupins, we heard Martha Stewart lives here, Im sure I was in her shop today!! There is a lot to see, lots of bays and with every bay is a cute little town to explore with fun shops. Acadia National Park is the most visited park in the US, we took a windy drive up to the top and the view was amazing, looking down reminded me of being in the Carribean looking down on St. Barts harbor, you could hike and explore in here for days.

Most go on wine tours but we took a micro brew tour around "The Atlantic Brewing Company" and tasted 16 beers, by the time we finished we were feeling it so we stayed on for some BBQ pulled pork dinner it was gooooood. Lobster dinner tonight, you gotta have lobster on the east coast!

I know all it seems we do is wake up late, explore and eat and drink, yup well thats pretty much it so far! I need a few extra tummies in tow so i don't miss out on any of the great food and beer here. Fortunately we are getting in our daily exercise so i don't feel too guilty.

We have now ridden completely across the continent 3670 miles in 14 days with a 2 day lay over in Ottawa, it was very neat to touch the Atlantic ocean. We are keeping to our budget,
$20-$25gas, $50-$90 food, $50-$80 for our room, its quite amazing that with all this moving around we still manage to wake up in the morning and know where we are. The 3 hour time change i like as it means Trev dosnt wake up till 8am instead of 6am, finally I get to sleep in!!

We love the emails so keep them coming, check out the Picaso web album on the link on our blog to see more of our pictures.

later luv

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