Phil still loves to play hide and seek |
Ronnie's look of surprise when he finds Phil in
OK Mum come find me |
The Pitcher Plant |
These wonderful plants are having a hard time surviving as all the tourist want to take one home (silly tourists)
Pitcher plants are carnivorous plants
whose prey-trapping mechanism features a
deep cavity filled with liquid known as pitfall trap |
The whole one hour tour was fascinating our guide was great and very knowledgeable it is places like this that have to be looked after it brought back memories of the movie Fern Gully which if you haven't seen you should seek out and watch.
The three GOONES arrive at the top of the mountain |
I must say any guide that got us three on his tour had his work cut out some of the antics we got into would drive the most sane person NUTS
Chenty braves the top of the tower the view from
the top was quite something |
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