Sunday, September 26, 2010

Our Magic Carpet from Fes

Yes that is me sitting on a magic carpet but no im not flying anywhere yet!

We went into a carpet shop, this is an amazing place, here you see the women making the carpets , i sat down with her and gave it a go, i cant imagine doing this every day for months. It takes 4 months to make a 3 x 6`carpet and she remembers the patterns in her head, thousands of strands of wool folded around each other, it was amazing.

Once they get you in there and then serve you mint tea, well you can imagine what happens next, yip we see one we like and we feel bad and we know that they need to sell something so we buy one -
they say to barter which we did but im sure we could of got it for less but after hearing how long it takes these women to make one we bought this carpet, its apparently an old one, it turns out and not made by them, they say its over 50 years old , well it dosnt look new but im not sure about the age.

Anyway it was fun and it will look nice in our newly renovated bedroom im sure!

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