Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dyers'Souk and Tanneries

Oh my god what a smell, I remember seeing this place on TV on the travel channel it was being listed as one of the worlds worst jobs and you can take it from me it would be.
Upon entering the tannerie we where both givern a handful of fresh mint to relieve our noses from this pungent smell, but this place with its bubbling pots of dye is one of the city's most colorful places.

Each day the skins of sheep, goats, cows and even camels are brought into the tannery by donkey to be cleaned and treated in the large bubbling pots, then the skins are dried in the sun and worked into some of the most amazing things from bright yellow slippers to the classy leather coats we see being worn on the streets of many European city's.

Want one custom made? they will measure
you and have it ready in six hours but I would not want to wait for it the smell was too bad.

Again it was a place we could have spent quite a lot of money if we were not traveling on the bike.

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